Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Aurora Beta 9.3 for June CTP of .NET 3.0 Available

Our latest Beta of Aurora (9.3) is now available for the latest .NET 3.0 CTP (June). Click on the link to our company Web site on the right, which has links to both updates.

This is an engineering build with some new additions:
  • Simple Styles and Control Templates can now be visually created and modified - plus, there is support for triggers. This is new functionality and not fully cooked, but you can poke at it.
  • Opens Visual Studio 2005 project files, and allows for adding and editing of individual XAML documents
  • Cool magnifying glass inspector tool
  • 'Object Search' function for locating visual objects in your display

Be warned ... we had some issues upgrading to the .NET 3.0 June CTP. You might want to follow the following steps if you have a previous installation of .NET Framework 3.0 (a.k.a. WinFX Runtime Components 3.0) Beta 2. If you have WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) functionality, you will need to manually update Windows Imaging Components (WIC) in order for WPF to function correctly.

1. Uninstall the current version or previous version of .NET Framework 3.0 (WinFX 3.0)
2. Uninstall previous WIC installation

1. Go to Start
2. Run...
3. Type in "%windir%\$NtUninstallWIC$\spuninst\spuninst.exe". Install .NET Framework 3.0 June CTP
4. Install WIC from: x86:


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