Wednesday, September 20, 2006

XBAP Demos

Paint Factory Demo

It's been quite busy around here for the last few months. We all are working frantically to get Aurora ready for release. With so much focus on Aurora, it's a challenge to make time to post to our blog. In the last week or two, we have seen a number of requests for our Paint Factory XBAP demo. We have updated the demo for .NET 3.0 RC1 ... just click on the link above to check it out. Our Avalon Clock XBAP demo was also updated.

Avalon Clock Demo

Please note that if you get a "Trust Not Granted" message, drop into the CMD Shell and type "mage -cc" to clear the application cache.

Oh, and Aurora has been updated for .NET 3.0 RC1, too. It's available for download on our Web site.


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